May 13, 2020 3 min read
When lock-down began in the UK all our dogs looked at us with a bemused expression, clearly asking, “why were the humans home? Why were the humans not going anywhere? Like anywhere at all?”
Then there was the fun of walkies. Depending on how many humans in the household depended on how many times a day the word ‘walkies’ got announced.
Mid-May saw the 50-day mark of lock-down coinciding with England beginning to relax the lock-down rules and entering into a new phase. Specific areas of 'Phase 2', that affect many homes, is the return to work and unlimited exercise along with being allowed to meet one person for a social distance walk.
These three areas will have our dogs expression potentially turning from bemused to anxious. At the very least, they’ve had us to themselves for the past seven weeks. Following us from room to room, curling up in a corner whilst you’re in Zoom meeting and generally enjoying (we hope) our company.
It’s important to look back at the past 7 weeks for what it was and step away from the rose-tinted glasses. Whilst we are all going through this together it is apparent that everyone has had different experiences during lock-down and thereafter. Our dogs may have felt our stress at having to home-school, cowered at our frustration with the dodgy wifi and may have preferred to snooze than be dragged out for the third, walk of the day by another member of the household yet to take up their allotted hour of air.
Absence makes the heart grow fonder, yet a sudden absence may make your dog’s heart to plummet. Think about planning for your return to work and begin to venture out of the house for longer periods. Here are our tips to help your dog adjust to your absence.
Hopefully the transition to phase 2 will be a smooth one for everyone. The most important part to remember is to trust your instincts and do what feels right for your dog and yourself.
Stay safe everyone and look after each other.